Describe Containing Books Dancing Bear

Title:Dancing Bear
Author:Oren Sanderson
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 206 pages
Published:August 6th 2014
Categories:Thriller. Mystery
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Dancing Bear Kindle Edition | Pages: 206 pages
Rating: 3.68 | 68 Users | 9 Reviews

Description Conducive To Books Dancing Bear

Would you help a desperate young woman knocking on your door? As a security guard, do you really have a choice? A desperate young woman is knocking on the door of the Israeli consulate in Boston, seeking asylum, claiming that she is the only survivor of an Israeli spy network. The gate remains locked, but a security guard, who falls in love with her, is trying unsuccessfully to rescue her. He embarks on a discovery trail, meeting tough American and Israeli government agents, cynical merchants and passionate dreamers. By the end of the trail he discovers the woman and the truth that lies underneath her story and his own life. "Dancing Bear" is a political thriller, in which the author managed to bring in his life experiences into the story, and create a fast paced read with twists and turns. The story ripples with things just under the surface, waiting to be revealed by the reader.

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Edition Language: English

Rating Containing Books Dancing Bear
Ratings: 3.68 From 68 Users | 9 Reviews

Assess Containing Books Dancing Bear
A Real Spy Drama Without A WinnerA Real Spy Drama Without A WinnerThis is a drama of lies that twists and turns endlessly. One moment we are embedded in details. then we break free! Several plots are running around at the same time. I only read the book to the end because I wanted to know if our hero caught his woman. I thought the book rambled on and on.

Dancing Bear by Oren Sanderson is filled with action and keeps its word and true spirit to thriller fictions. The two main characters are believable. I must say I personally thought Kate was certifiable. But while they are on the run for their lives, Sanderson takes the reader on an adventure through multiple cities. Neither with any real experience, but they fight for their lives and try to determine which people are their friend or foe. Overall the book is great but the editorial revisions at

Lots of twists and turns.I think the plot was very good. But the way it evolved was really not very believable. I know it is fiction, but for one man to get through all the beuracricies is quite unbelievable. But all in all it was well written.

As a huge fan of le Carre reads, I love espionage thrillers. This story opens with the insistent humming of something just below the surface.A mysterious woman shows up at the Israeli consulate in Boston and nothing is the same in the security guards life after he throws caution to the wind and decides to believe her story and help her.This story ripples with things just under the surface waiting to be revealed as well as some good twists and turns.Does David(the security guard) make the right

Dancing Bear, was a pleasant surprise. I read a lot of spy stories, and a lot of thrillers and just have now begun to read some romances. This book touches down on all three genres. Mingles them together effortlessly. At first Dancing bear was just like every other spy book I have read. Although I will admit that it is faster paced, and I honestly believe better written. But just when you feel like this is something you have read, a path you have already been down. It bolts you onto a

For better or worse, Spy novels tend to be similar in many ways. At first this book seems to follow that rule, but after reading it I realized that this book was actually pretty clever in many ways. It's original for sure with a story that gets deeper and more complex as you read. The writing is good and flows well compared to some spy novels I've read. The dynamic between David and Kate makes for a good story. I'd say that this is worth the read if your in the mood for an original spy novel.

SenselessSlow starting and went downhill from there. Needs a little more research and a little more information for a comprehensive good book.