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Original Title: Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
ISBN: 1921351438 (ISBN13: 9781921351433)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Barack Obama
Literary Awards: British Book Award for The Best Biography (2009), Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album (2006)
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Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance Paperback | Pages: 453 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 181590 Users | 7198 Reviews

Specify Regarding Books Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Title:Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Author:Barack Obama
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 453 pages
Published:2004 by New York: Three Rivers Press (first published July 1995)
Categories:Nonfiction. Biography. Autobiography. Memoir. Politics. History. Biography Memoir

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Šiuose įtraukiančiuose atsiminimuose juodaodžio afrikiečio ir baltosios amerikietės sūnus ieško gyvenimo prasmės. Dvidešimt vienų metų Barackas, studijuodamas Niujorke, netikėtai sužino, kad autoavarijoje žuvo tėvas, jam vis dar mitinė asmenybė. Ši mirtis jį pastūmėja leistis į jausmingus ir kartu intelektualius prisiminimus: iš pradžių mamos šeimos klajonių po Kanzaso miestelius pėdsakais, kurie atveda į Havajus; tada pažintis su Indonezija jo, dar vaiko, akimis. Jau suaugęs Barackas keliauja į Keniją ir susitinka su afrikietiškąja tėvo šeima, čia perpranta karčią tėvo gyvenimo tiesą ir pagaliau pajunta pusiausvyrą suderinęs tokį skirtingą dviejų rasių paveldą.

Rating Regarding Books Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Ratings: 3.88 From 181590 Users | 7198 Reviews

Notice Regarding Books Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama An oldie but goodie:It was wonderful listening to Obama. Hes so cordial......and..... ....ordinary and extraordinary!I especially loved when Obama talked about his mother. I laughed when mom forced Obama to eat his breakfast each day before school with Obama rolling his eyes as if it was torture ( I could relate - I did everything I could to get out of eating breakfast as a kid)....... but where my mother just gave up and went back to bed Obamas mother gave

3.5 stars. Its difficult for me to rate this memoir because I deeply respect Barack Obama as a person. This comes at a time of deep division in the country and he remains widely appreciated by many yet politically ostracized by some. His legacy has greatly improved the lives of millions of people, but his politics leaves much to be desired. He has undeniably shaped my world views and I have come to regard him as one of the most intelligent men to ever hold that office. Dreams From My Father

Forget for a moment who the author has become. This is not a book written by a politician or a would-be president. It's a book that was written by someone who subsequently became those things. For that reason, it's a very honest account of an American coming to terms with who he is and where he's from. As a bonus, Obama happens to be an excellent writer. He has a good sense of how to fashion an interesting narrative, so his personal story is very engaging.As a normal part of becoming an adult, a

As Super Tuesday approaches and we try to separate empty promises and strategic moves from real, actual thoughts and goals, I couldnt have read a better book than Dreams From My Father.Heres why: even though I didnt realize it when I picked it up, Obama wrote this book over ten years ago, when he was fresh out of law school and long before he was worrying about what people wanted to hear. It is, I think, a great way to get to know the candidate outside of the media, the hype, and the confusion

I listened to the audiobook and I must admit I was totally mesmerised with the voice.You find yourself hanging onto every word that Obama speaks he is so eloquent and profound.It was because of the quality of the narration that I listened to every word then listened again just to hear that wonderful voice.It was really interesting hearing about Obama's early life which I had no previous knowledge.Very well written and narrated story that I highly recommend.

The first publication of this book dates from 1995, when its author was only 34 years, well before his presidential bid and before his first election as senator from Illinois, which limits the risk of hagiographic publications more recent since the text does not cover the real policy of his life. 34 would be short for an autobiography, but that's not really what this is, especially since the story gives an important place to the reflections of a man in search of his place, and his black identity