Mention Out Of Books Shalmar (A Tale of Lifetimes #1)

Title:Shalmar (A Tale of Lifetimes #1)
Author:Serena Whynd
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 206 pages
Published:December 12th 2018 by Roarah Publishing
Categories:Fantasy. Mythology. LGBT
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Shalmar (A Tale of Lifetimes #1) Kindle Edition | Pages: 206 pages
Rating: 4.65 | 34 Users | 2 Reviews

Description During Books Shalmar (A Tale of Lifetimes #1)

Shalmar is an Amazon warrior with a fearless reputation throughout her country of Gilsk. When the prized Tarlaeth is stolen from the neighbouring country of Gondor, Shalmar is called upon to recover it. From numerous newly trained warrior's, Shalmar chooses Jacqueline to assist her on this quest. As the strength of these two women is tested, the deep soul connection between them becomes more evident and undeniable. You were introduced to them in The Paths That Be, now follow their journey in Shalmar.

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Series: A Tale of Lifetimes #1

Rating Out Of Books Shalmar (A Tale of Lifetimes #1)
Ratings: 4.65 From 34 Users | 2 Reviews

Column Out Of Books Shalmar (A Tale of Lifetimes #1)
Wonderful story! I love books about strong women (any genre), but I especially like stories about Amazons and other women warriors. Shalmar by Serena Whynd is not just a story of adventures and exploits of fearless women, it is also a story about deep and strong feelings. I very much sympathized with the heroines and I hope that very soon I will read the new book by Serena Whynd. This book deserve much more than 5 stars! Strongly recommended!

Great book!

Great book!