Be Specific About Books Concering Extinction

Original Title: Auslöschung: Ein Zerfall
ISBN: 0704370859 (ISBN13: 9780704370852)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Rome(Italy) Austria
Literary Awards: Schlegel-Tieck Prize for David McLintock (1996)
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Extinction Paperback | Pages: 335 pages
Rating: 4.29 | 1782 Users | 153 Reviews

Present Of Books Extinction

Author:Thomas Bernhard
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 335 pages
Published:1995 by Quartet (first published 1986)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. German Literature

Narration To Books Extinction

Thomas Bernhard is one of the greatest twentieth-century writers in the German language. Extinction, his last novel, takes the form of the autobiographical testimony of Franz-Josef Murau. The intellectual black sheep of a powerful Austrian land-owning family, Murau lives in self-exile in Rome. Obsessed and angry with his identity as an Austrian, he resolves never to return to the family estate of Wolfsegg. But when news comes of his parents' deaths, he finds himself master of Wolfsegg and must decide its fate.

Written in Bernhard's seamless style, Extinction is the ultimate proof of his extraordinary literary genius.

Rating Of Books Extinction
Ratings: 4.29 From 1782 Users | 153 Reviews

Judge Of Books Extinction
In my opinion once you get used to the writing style of Thomas Bernhard and his literary challenges and peculiarities, you have to immerse yourself into his person to enjoy his literature. His cold humor and style are certainly not for everybody. This novel his last greatest prose work is his attempt to manage the traumatically liberated misfortune of his childhood and early years as he represents his family in the environment of the Austrian nobility and put it in all its facets and accuses.

Goodreads certainly does not need another review of a Thomas Bernhard novel. However, having now completed my reading of his novels, I will shamelessly debase myself by dribbling out a few meager comments. This book was not what I expected, though going into it my expectations were admittedly vague. I figured it would present itself as Bernhards masterwork. Perhaps it is that, and I am unable to see it. My current disinterest in fiction smears any perspective beyond recognition. There are a few

Bernhard can be expressly difficult, and way too bitter for some readers' taste, but his swansong novel, despite its bleakness, is SO funny. It's like reading music, really - leitmotifs, long stretches of prose as gorgeous as the best of melodies, plus a heady mixture of sarcasm and self-sarcasm that cuts so deep it takes a while for the startled blood to ooze. It can be scary, such genius; and a burden. But we're lucky (blessed, really) that writers like Bernhard bore it so bravely and

Leggere Estinzione è farsi trascinare nel vortice di un desiderio di distruzione, farsi travolgere dal fiume in piena di un odio che attraversa tutte le pagine del romanzo sino alla conclusione inaspettata. Tutto inizia con un telegramma da cui il protagonista e narratore, Murau, apprende della morte dei genitori e del fratello. Notizia che lo getta nello sconforto non per la perdita subita, ma per la necessità di tornare a Wolfsegg, il paese natale da lui abbandonato per rifugiarsi a Roma e da

- Sự kết hợp giữa một lâu đài tăm tối kiểu Kafka với triết lý giết sạch, đốt sạch của Nietzsche.- Ờ thì như mọi người vẫn gọi Bernhard, tức là Thánh Chửi =)) Chửi tuốt, từ tổ quốc, quê nhà, bố mẹ, anh chị em, tôn giáo, nhiếp ảnh gia, thợ săn, luật sư, bác sĩ, phóng viên,... chửi đến Goethe và sau cùng là chửi bản thân. Nhưng đồng thời cũng là người rất biết trước biết sau, vẫn chấp nhận cái mình chửi có khi lại là cái đúng đắn nhất. Tóm lại, như một vòng tròn bát quái, xới tung từ bên này qua

Could there ever be a more scathing narrator than Extinction's Franz-Josef Murau (Who I like to think of as a fictional Bernhard). Cut off from his Austrian landowning family and their estate of Wolfsegg, he now lives the intellectual life as a tutor in Rome. Rome? He could have moved to the furthest corner of Australia, and still been too close to the country he so clearly finds the most repugnance, vowing never to return home to the place, in disgust, he so constantly slams in bitter

Ovo je delo koje bi svako trebalo da pročita nekad, posebno kad vam se učini da ste besni na svaki koren u sebi i svaku kategoriju pripadnosti porodici, ljudima, prijateljima, odnosima, institucijama, državi, zemlji, konvencijama pristojnosti i međuljudskih odnosa, jer "Brisanje: raspad" je upravo to - jedno veliko brisanje identiteta u sumanutom naletu pripovedačevog besa, ali ubrzo ćete shvatiti da jednostavna mržnja nikad nije jednostavna, i da bes prema malograđanstvu neminovno onog koji ga