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Original Title: Just As I Am
ISBN: 0060633921 (ISBN13: 9780060633929)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Audie Award for Inspirational/Spiritual (1998)
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Just as I Am Paperback | Pages: 784 pages
Rating: 4.28 | 4721 Users | 165 Reviews

Details About Books Just as I Am

Title:Just as I Am
Author:Billy Graham
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 784 pages
Published:March 3rd 1999 by HarperOne
Categories:Biography. Christian. Autobiography. Nonfiction. Religion. Christianity. Christian Non Fiction

Narration As Books Just as I Am

Hailed as "the world's preacher," Billy Graham has enjoyed a career that has spanned six decades and his ministry of faith has touched the hearts and souls of millions. In Just As I Am Graham reveals his life story in what the Chicago Tribune calls "a disarmingly honest autobiography." Now, in this revised and updated edition, we hear from this "lion in winter" (Time) on his role over the past ten years as America's pastor during our national crisis of the Oklahoma bombing and 9/11; his knighthood; his passing of the torch to his son, Franklin, to head the organization that bears his name; and his commitment to do the Lord's work in the years of his and his wife Ruth's physical decline.

Rating About Books Just as I Am
Ratings: 4.28 From 4721 Users | 165 Reviews

Assess About Books Just as I Am
Wow. This tome took me almost a full year to read. While I normally read through books at a much faster pace, this book was far too meaty to tackle it in one go. There were plenty of weeks in which I did not pick it up at all, because the information within was overwhelming at times.Billy Graham is someone my dad always had great respect for. I have never known much about him other than that he is one of the world's most prolific evangelists, and through his preaching, thousands upon thousands

Just AS I AM - the autobiography of Billy Graham is a powerful book that underscores the major impact that Dr. Graham's life had on society all over the world. The book is well organized chronologically. It includes many behind the scene stories as well as humorous anecdotes. I recommend it for all Believers. It would also make a good gift to people that need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ in an interesting, entertaining format.

After a guy at a men's Bible study kept referencing Billy Graham, I thought, I should read his autobiography. That would be interesting. Boy, was I right. 1. It's so long. He has lived an amazing, rich life. He has done phenomenal work. He has met lots of famous people. He has preached to millions. But, I kept thinking, I'm 250 pages into this book and not half way through yet. I'm 300 pages into this book and not half way through yet. I'm 400 pages into this book and I'm only half way through

A great overview of Billy Graham's career. At the end, I felt a bit disheartened because the reflections it contained seemed, for the most part, only surface-level deep. Knowing about his son Franklin's struggles--which the family overcame--I had hoped to read more about the heart of a father as it related to his ministry. Unfortunately, this seemed more like a rundown of factual events, a general accounting of various crusades and the numbers attended. As much as Billy Graham has experienced

It takes a while to get through this biography, but then Mr. Graham has done a lot in his eventful life. The book goes through his life chronologically, and it reads as if Mr. Graham was telling stories about what happened during tha time of his life. So often he will throw in a little rememberance that is only a couple of paragraphs long. It makes for a real personal feel to the book.[return]I enjoyed this book immensely. Some chapters were of less interest than others of course, my favorites

As a college student, over the Christmas break, I went to a conference where Billy Graham spoke, and although I was already a Jesus follower, I was greatly inspired by his message. This autobiography of his life is truly a comprehensive look at his life and ministry. I loved how he took every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with whomever he was speaking, and never wavered from that message. His book honestly gives his regrets, i.e., he would have liked to spent more time with

Really debated on the rating. I think I may have been stingy with my stars only because I had many issues with the book. I enjoyed the beginning, learning about the boy and his family. But too often I found myself caught up in either his style or something that i disagreed with regarding his dealings with team or his family.