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I Escaped from Auschwitz Paperback | Pages: 447 pages
Rating: 4.4 | 3590 Users | 142 Reviews

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Original Title: I Escaped From Auschwitz/I Cannot Forgive
ISBN: 1569802327 (ISBN13: 9781569802328)
Edition Language: English

Description As Books I Escaped from Auschwitz

I have read many books on the holocaust. If I had to recommend one, it would be this one for several reasons. 1) It is very well written. Not every holocaust survivor is an author, so some books are not very well written. This one is. 2) Vrba has been in Auschwitz for close to two years and has performed very different roles and tasks. He has lived in the main camp, and in Birkenau. He has been part of different commandos. So we get a very good view on many different parts of the camp. 3) Vrba has escaped Auschwitz, which is very rare. So for that reason alone it's an interesting testimony. 4) The Vrba-Weltzer report is published in this book, along with some other interesting reads in the appendixes. 5) We get a clear view on the morbid role Jewish leaders, the Vaada and people like Kaszner have played. Instead of publishing and broadcasting the Vrba report to prevent hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews from being deported to Auschwitz, they found it necessary to try and cut a deal with Himmler to save people close to themselves. I would place this book next to Ludo Van Eck's "Het Boek der Kampen", though the latter is more factual and doesn't read like a novel.

List About Books I Escaped from Auschwitz

Title:I Escaped from Auschwitz
Author:Rudolf Vrba
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 447 pages
Published:January 1st 2002 by Barricade Books (first published 1963)
Categories:World War II. Holocaust. History. Nonfiction. War. Biography. Autobiography. Memoir

Rating About Books I Escaped from Auschwitz
Ratings: 4.4 From 3590 Users | 142 Reviews

Evaluation About Books I Escaped from Auschwitz
History and day-to-day life in concentration camps.

Hmm. This is a difficult review to write. I gave this book 5 stars prior to reading anything else you can find out about Rudolf Vrba on the internet. Then after being awoken by my pneumonia infected husband at 5 a.m., I laid in bed thinking about what I had read and the account established within this memoir. I consider myself a bit of a Holocaust junkie, and this was different in that Vrba does not shy away from any of the atrocities committed at Auschwitz, Birkenau, or a host of other camps he

Excellent first hand account. I was looking for a more historical text but came across thus book in the library. I'm really glad I did. It was well written and let me see an accurate portrayal of what life was like in a concentration camp. Compelling storytelling. Really very good. Throughout recommend this!

horrifying and enthralling

An excellent first person account of the horrors of the Holocaust and the will of the human spirit to survive and overcome incredible odds. The author does not sensationalise his story of capture and survival. The goal of his escape was to warn the world that the Hungarian Jews were going to be led to the slaughter at the extermination camps in Poland. A must read for historians and those interested in WWII, the Holocaust, and human rights.

I bought this book from the bookstore at Auschwitz when we visited on a trip from Krakow. It really helped hammer home the enormous monstrosity that happened there.

Harrowing but incredible read.