Present Books During The Door

Original Title: Az ajtó
ISBN: 1843431939 (ISBN13: 9781843431930)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Hungary
Literary Awards: Prix Femina for Étranger (2003), Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Nominee for Shortlist (2006), Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize (2006)
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The Door Hardcover | Pages: 262 pages
Rating: 4.06 | 15147 Users | 2045 Reviews

Point Epithetical Books The Door

Title:The Door
Author:Magda Szabó
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 262 pages
Published:October 20th 2005 by Harvill Press (first published 1987)
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. Hungary. Historical. Historical Fiction. European Literature. Hungarian Literature. Novels. Literary Fiction. Literature

Narration In Pursuance Of Books The Door

A busy young writer struggling to cope with domestic chores, hires a housekeeper recommended by a friend. The housekeeper's reputation is one built on dependable efficiency, though she is something of an oddity. Stubborn, foul-mouthed and with a flagrant disregard for her employer's opinions she may even be crazy. She allows no-one to set foot inside her house; she masks herself with a veil and is equally guarded about her personal life. And yet Emerence is revered as much as she is feared. As the story progresses her energy and passion to help becomes clear, extinguishing any doubts arising out of her bizarre behaviour. A stylishly told tale which recounts a strange relationship built up over 20 years between a writer and her housekeeper. After an unpromising and caustic start benign feelings develop and ultimately the writer benefits from what becomes an inseparable relationship. Simultaneously we learn Emerence's tragic past which is revealed in snapshots throughout the book.

Rating Epithetical Books The Door
Ratings: 4.06 From 15147 Users | 2045 Reviews

Judgment Epithetical Books The Door
Magda Szabo really makes the reader work hard with this book and I for one found the characters and the story unconvincing The Door is a novel by Hungarian writer Magda Szabo. The novel documents two decades of life in Budapest after the Communist takeover in 1948, The novel tells the story of a developing and complicated relationship between a young Hungarian Writer and her housekeeper and is partly autobiographical.Having visited Hungary only last year I was up to date on the history and was

An uncomfortable look at the barriers that we put up to protect ourselves, and the price that is paid for that self protection. Does it ever really work?Magda Szabo wrote this in the original Hungarian in 1987, but it is now translated and available in English. It tells the story of the relationship between two women: Magda, a writer, living with her husband, and Emerence, an older peasant woman who is hired as her housekeeper. Both women come from vastly different backgrounds. Emerence is an

This was a remarkable book.This novel was published when the Hungarian author, Magda Szabo, was 70 years old. That gives me hope! If I can be that creative hen/if I am 70...A reviewer from The Scotsman had this to say in praising the book: I picked it up without expectation. I read it with gathering intensity, and a swelling admiration. I finished it, and straightaway started to read it againWhy would somebody start to re-read the novel? But I too went back and read the very first chapter. And I

It took me 10 days to read this book, which is unusual for me as I can read fairly quickly, especially when I really love a book. But this one demanded to be read slowly, not only to savor the language, but to get inside the mind and heart of Emerence, which proved impossible in the end.Emerence was a servant, working for an author and her husband. When she turned the tables on them at the interview, claiming that she was in fact interviewing them ("I don't do just anyone's dirty laundry, you

I finished this novel a couple of weeks ago, but havent had time to review it until now. Turns out that was a good thing. Two weeks ago, I would have given The Door three stars and moved on. It was slow. It felt a little pointless. I didnt like the characters. But, because I wanted to review it, I kept the book in the front of my mind and over time a deeper truth began to emerge for me.The Door is slow because its subject matter is difficult and slippery. It felt pointless because I didnt work

4.5At some point during my reading of this, I was reminded of The God of Small Things in that I felt as if this too can be read on two levels and that if I knew more of the history of the country of origin (here it is Hungary), I wouldve gotten even more out of the novel. Because I know basically nothing of the latter (I googled some), and even though this can be read as a character(s)-relationship study, I feel as if something essential has eluded my grasp. Yes, we are told in perfect pacing

What a mesmerizing and quite dark little book. This is about a Hungarian writer and her husband who have an older servant woman who basically takes over their household and their life. The book is mostly about the relationship between two women, and its a tense situation throughout but I really did like it!