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Original Title: Arranged
ISBN: 0062115391 (ISBN13: 9780062115393)
Edition Language: English
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Arranged Paperback | Pages: 416 pages
Rating: 3.68 | 8573 Users | 1187 Reviews

Details Of Books Arranged

Author:Catherine McKenzie
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 416 pages
Published:May 15th 2012 by William Morrow Paperbacks (first published December 28th 2010)
Categories:Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Romance. Fiction. Contemporary. Contemporary Romance. Adult

Representaion During Books Arranged

Anne Blythe has a great life: a good job, good friends, and a potential book deal for her first novel. When it comes to finding someone to share it with, however, she just can't seem to get it right. After yet another relationship ends, Anne comes across a business card for what she thinks is a dating service, and she pockets it just in case. When her best friend, Sarah, announces she's engaged, Anne can't help feeling envious. On an impulse, she decides to give the service a try because maybe she could use a little assistance in finding the right man. But Anne soon discovers the company isn't a dating service; it's an exclusive, and pricey, arranged marriage service. She initially rejects the idea, but the more she thinks about it -- and the company's success rate -- the more it appeals to her. After all, arranged marriages are the norm for millions of women around the world, so why wouldn't it work for her? A few months later, Anne is travelling to a Mexican resort, where in one short weekend she will meet and marry Jack. And against all odds, it seems to be working out -- until Anne learns that Jack, and the company that arranged their marriage, are not what they seem at all.

Rating Of Books Arranged
Ratings: 3.68 From 8573 Users | 1187 Reviews

Crit Of Books Arranged
I became a fan of Catherine McKenzie after reading her debut novel, Spin and was excited to dive into her newest book, Arranged. The book follows the main character, Anne Blythe, as she leaves another failed relationship and feels down in the dumps because she is alone. All her friends are either married or are getting married and she is concerned that she wont ever met the right guy. As she is walking on the street feeling self-pity, she finds a business card for something called Blythe &

So my friend Buggy (*waves*) was reading a really cool-sounding book called Spin a while ago. I added it to my mountainous TBR, and when this book, by the same author, came across my radar I snagged it.I am so glad I did - this was sooooo good. I loved it, think everyone should read it, and here's a little bit about it: Anne has a great life, except for the love part of it. She just wants what everyone else seems to have. After breaking up with a cheating boyfriend and her best friend gets

Wow. I dont even know where to begin. This is the first book I read by Catherine McKenzie and I already know that it will not be my last. The entire time I was reading Arranged, a few of my friends kept asking me how it was and I felt like I always had the same response, interesting. I didnt know how to properly put into words how I felt about this book, but now that Ive completed it, I feel like I have to at the very least try especially since I rated it as amazing.The simple (or not so simple)

ArrangedAbout a woman who drinks a lot and wants to be married, apparently, to almost anyone. The premise of an arranged marriage, among modern people, apart from and unfamiliar with cultural use, is intriguing, but the story fell flat, and then took a dive off the cliff altogether and just plunged.Anne Blythe wanted love, but didn't, she believed in fate, but not really, she was up for anything, but... you know. The main character couldn't make up her mind, and this went on throughout the whole

I loved this book. Fun, well written above the rim chick lit with stellar dialog. The premise could've been problematic -- an arranged marriage -- but McKenzie brings it all together. Good read. Fun, entertaining with a heart connect.

Anne Blythe is the kind of woman who believes in love. She wants the whole fairytale thing, even though, so far, none of her relationships have worked out. Something always goes wrong.Meanwhile, she does have so many other good things in her life: a great job as a writer at a magazine; a potential book deal; and really good friends.So why can't she have it all? When her best friend Sarah announces her engagement, Anne does something completely out of character. She calls an agency that she

This was a fascinating concept -- a successful, independent woman gets fed up with her failed romances and signs up for an arranged marriage service. It turns out to be light and predictable, with fairly shallow characters (in terms of development, and only sometimes in terms of personality), a bland romance, and an obvious "plot twist" towards the end. It wasn't bad, don't get me wrong: but it was a bit like eating "empty calories" in that it's rather fun while you're reading it, but afterwards