Mention Books In Pursuance Of Welcome to the Monkey House

Original Title: Welcome to the Monkey House
ISBN: 0385333501 (ISBN13: 9780385333504)
Edition Language: English
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Welcome to the Monkey House Paperback | Pages: 331 pages
Rating: 4.15 | 50196 Users | 1773 Reviews

Itemize Appertaining To Books Welcome to the Monkey House

Title:Welcome to the Monkey House
Author:Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 331 pages
Published:2013 by Dial Press Trade Paperbacks (first published 1968)
Categories:Fiction. Short Stories. Science Fiction. Classics

Commentary To Books Welcome to the Monkey House

Welcome to the Monkey House is a collection of Kurt Vonnegut’s shorter works. Originally printed in publications as diverse as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and The Atlantic Monthly, these superb stories share Vonnegut’s audacious sense of humor and extraordinary range of creative vision. Alternative cover edition here

Rating Appertaining To Books Welcome to the Monkey House
Ratings: 4.15 From 50196 Users | 1773 Reviews

Column Appertaining To Books Welcome to the Monkey House
A Compendium of Curmudgeonly HumourKurt Vonnegut is a curmudgeon. Curmudgeons are often misunderstood and taken for irascible pedants. On the contrary, they are anything but pedantic. Curmudgeons are introverts who are simply tired of adapting themselves to the demands of an extrovert world. They want to be left alone. Which is why they occasionally write or say nasty things to annoy people. The hope is that other people will then have something to talk about with each other and give the

Vonnegut does it again. This took me way longer than intended, probably due to the hectic nature of my first week back in uae. Nevertheless, I'm glad I read it. I was never a big fan of a book of collection of short stories. Usually there would be a lot of hit and miss. With Welcome To The Monkey House however, literally every short story was memorable. Maybe one was mediocre, but all of the rest were so good. I can't stress enough how each individual short story was able to stand on its own,

Vonnegut does a wonderful job with a short story and while most stories were "okay" to "yeah, I liked it I guess", it's definitely worth it for the few 4 to 5 star ratings."Where I Live" (Venture- Travelers World, October 1964) - 2/5 Kinda boring and no real plot. Just meandering"Harrison Bergeron" (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1961) - 5/5 Loved this one - science fiction - Handicapping people so everything is fair and no one can take unfair advantage because of their

I think Vonnegut's best talent as a writer is his knack for stripping away the gap between facade and reality. He loves to sketch out characters that are (or simply seem) amazingly rich or powerful or charismatic. Then he breaks their circumstances down such that they're stuck with only their base humanity, and they have to confront themselves as they really are. How degrading to find out how much you're just like everyone else!

This was a nice collection of short stories dwelling on a lot of different themes added with Vonnegut's personal view which is evident in them. Although most of the stories were quite good, I found myself enjoying those who were practically SF the most, which is were at least by my opinion Vonnegut is in his best.

The world is overpopulated, and they have Ethical Suicide Parlors, where public minded citizens are encouraged to go in and get a lethal injection from the attractive hostesses. There's a big thermometer outside, showing how many people there currently are in the world.So the guy comes in, and he's chatting with the hostess. He wants to know how much the mercury will go down if he decides to do it. A foot?No, she says.An inch?Not quite, she says.Suddenly, he changes his tone. Every inch, he

Some stories are better than others but overall a good solid 5 star read. Review to come.