Itemize Books In Favor Of The Scarlet Letter

Original Title: The Scarlet Letter
ISBN: 0142437263 (ISBN13: 9780142437261)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth, Pearl Prynne
Setting: Boston, Massachusetts(United States)
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The Scarlet Letter Paperback | Pages: 279 pages
Rating: 3.4 | 674390 Users | 14056 Reviews

Chronicle Toward Books The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne's THE SCARLET LETTER reaches to our nation's historical and moral roots for the material of great tragedy. Set in an early New England colony, the novel shows the terrible impact a single, passionate act has on the lives of three members of the community: the defiant Hester Prynne; the fiery, tortured Reverend Dimmesdale; and the obsessed, vengeful Chillingworth.

With THE SCARLET LETTER, Hawthorne became the first American novelist to forge from our Puritan heritage a universal classic, a masterful exploration of humanity's unending struggle with sin, guilt and pride.

Mention Epithetical Books The Scarlet Letter

Title:The Scarlet Letter
Author:Nathaniel Hawthorne
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Penguin Classics
Pages:Pages: 279 pages
Published:February 27th 2003 by Penguin Books (first published March 16th 1850)
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Fiction. Magic. Adventure. Young Adult Fantasy. Romance

Rating Epithetical Books The Scarlet Letter
Ratings: 3.4 From 674390 Users | 14056 Reviews

Critique Epithetical Books The Scarlet Letter
oh god. hawthorne is that perpetually needy manchild of a writer, you know the one who peers over your shoulder while youre trying to read and keeps pointing out the parts of his own writing that he finds particularly good and/or moving. "yeah, see? do you see? see how i talked about how the rose is red, and then i talk about how hesters 'a' is red, too? do you see what im trying to do here, with the symbolism?"and its like that all the way through the book. *edit 12 september 2008: im tutoring

Maybe 2.5 stars if I were just rating this on how much I actually enjoyed reading it. The 40 page Custom-House introduction was pure pain to plow through, no lie, and there are a lot of slow spots where Hawthorne gets hung up in the details. But. 5 stars for the richness of Hawthorne's language, the intriguing symbolism, and the way he delves into the human heart. So I'll compromise at 4 stars.The Custom-House part (which is just a framing device; seriously, I'll skip it if I ever read this

The story, not bad. The style, unreadable. Here is who I would recommend this book to - people who like sentences with 4 or 5 thoughts, and that are paragraph length - so that they are nearly impossible to understand - because by the time the end, of the sentence, has been reached the beginning, and whatever meaning it contained, has been forgotten and the point is lost.

Modern society and a number of people seem somewhat confused about our ancestors. On one hand, they're dumbass peasants who attached BYOW (Bring Your Own Witch) to their barbeque invitations. On the other hand, they sometimes imbue them with super mystical intelligence, class and abilities whilst bemoaning how stupid and uncouth we have become in comparison.The Scarlet Letter allows us to judge that the reality was somewhere in between but mostly sitting on the side of pathological stupidity.

Let me start my review by stating that I'm guilty and should wear a big "P" (for "preoccupied") on my chest. I mentioned in a previous review that I was worried that if I wasn't in the right state of mind and in an adequate setting, I wouldn't be able to enjoy Dickens's Great Expectations - turned out it wasn't the case. I never expected that for The Scarlet Letter, but this might be one of the reasons I didn't enjoy the book that much and rated it 3 stars: I was in the middle of preparations to

3.5/5This is one of those books which can effortlessly lend itself to a variety of critical readings, each one of them as legitimate as the next one. On one hand it treats Hester almost like a proto-feminist figure, undaunted and dignified in the face of public disgrace, one who earns her own living to raise her child and on the other, she is readily accepting of her own persecution. Similarly, Dimmesdale is torn between his emotional urges and his allegiance to a doctrine which denies him his

The best advice anyone can get about The Scarlet Letter is to skip the whole introductory bit about the Chapter House, unless you want a degree in English. I love this book; I teach this book, but I have my students skip that introduction. It'll make them hate the book.Once you have skipped that part, what greets you is a wonderful book about the nature and defination of sin. Is it the outward sin, such as Hester's, that is the worse? Or is it the sin that never really comes to light? The book