Books De la part de la princesse morte  Free Download
De la part de la princesse morte Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 607 pages
Rating: 4.16 | 2716 Users | 188 Reviews

Details Books Concering De la part de la princesse morte

Original Title: De la part de la princesse morte
ISBN: 2253048291 (ISBN13: 9782253048299)
Edition Language: French
Literary Awards: Grand Prix des lectrices de Elle for roman (1988)

Interpretation In Favor Of Books De la part de la princesse morte

Selma a sept ans quand elle voit s'écrouler son empire. Condamnée à l'exil, la famille impériale s'installe au Liban. Selma, qui a perdu à la fois son pays et son père, y sera 'la princesse aux bas reprisés'. C'est à Beyrouth qu'elle grandira et rencontrera son premier amour, un jeune chef druze ; amour tôt brisé. Selma acceptera alors d'épouser un raja indien qu'elle n'a jamais vu. Aux Indes, elle vivra les fastes des maharajas, les derniers jours de l'Empire britannique et la lutte pour l'indépendance. Mais là, comme au Liban, elle reste 'l' étrangère' et elle finira par s'enfuir à Paris où elle trouvera enfin le véritable amour. La guerre l'en séparera et elle mourra dans la misère, à vingt-neuf ans, après avoir donné naissance à une fille : l'auteur de ce récit.

Particularize About Books De la part de la princesse morte

Title:De la part de la princesse morte
Author:Kenizé Mourad
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 607 pages
Published:May 5th 1989 by Le Livre de Poche (first published 1987)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Cultural. India

Rating About Books De la part de la princesse morte
Ratings: 4.16 From 2716 Users | 188 Reviews

Criticism About Books De la part de la princesse morte
I thought this book was a rather accurate, from my general historic knowledge, of the times the princess was alive. I didn't find it to be a book that you can't put down, but it was a pleasant read. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the historic progress of a person's life with a twist of a fictional romantic novel. Overall I did enjoy the book, but for someone with not much time I would recommend reading it during a vacation.

Well written novel. Excellent documentation of an important period of the Ottoman Empire. I highly recommend it for any one interested in the history of the Middle East.

A tremendous historical novel set in Turkey (1910-20), Lebanon (1920-30), India (1930-40) and France (1939-41). Based on the story of the authors mother. The protagonist, Ottoman princess Selma, is kind of an anti-hero. In the beginning, when she is 8-9, its kind of funny, maybe a bit charming, that she often behaves like a spoiled princess. At the end, when she is closing in on her 30s, and still is behaving the same way, its not as much anymore. Yet her compelling fate is interesting. The

This is a highly readable novel, proving mountains of information and excellent insights into three cultures: French, Indian and Turkish. A lesson in history and a beautiful story of personal challenges, despair and hardships.

This is an amazing book. It is impossible to put this book down until it is read.

It took me a while to get into the book, but i have to admit the more i read it the more i liked it. i devoured the last chapters... Eager to know how selma's story would end during WW2. I gave it 4 stars because in some parts the book is just a bit repetitive and somehow slow. Even though the "india" part was quite good, i found it just way too long. It could have been written in half the pages.