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Baltagul Paperback | Pages: 146 pages
Rating: 3.2 | 8308 Users | 98 Reviews

Mention Books Toward Baltagul

Original Title: Baltagul
Edition Language: Romanian
Characters: Vitoria Lipan, Georghita Lipan, Minodora Lipan

Commentary To Books Baltagul

Baltagul este, prin repeziciune și desăvârșit echilibru al expresiei, una din cele mai bune scrieri ale lui M. Sadoveanu. Mulți prețuiesc această scurtă narațiune ca roman, vorbind de creația scriitorului, de posibilitatea psihologică a eroilor. În fond, nimic din toate acestea. Vitoria, eroina principală, nu e o individualitate, ci un exponent al speței. Scrierea nu poate produce emoții estetitce veritabile decât aceluia care o reduce la noțiunea unei civilizații arhaice.
În căutarea bărbatului, Vitoria pune spirit de vendetta și aplicație de detectiv. O adevărată nuvelă polițienească se desfășoară, în stil țărănesc, bineînțeles, cu o artă remarcabilă.

G. Călinescu

Point Appertaining To Books Baltagul

Author:Mihail Sadoveanu
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 146 pages
Published:2006 by Gramar (first published November 1930)
Categories:European Literature. Romanian Literature. Classics. Fiction. Academic. School

Rating Appertaining To Books Baltagul
Ratings: 3.2 From 8308 Users | 98 Reviews

Crit Appertaining To Books Baltagul
A good book, however not at all easy to read for those who do not understand traditional Romanian society.

First time I saw the movie. It is a must read book at school and the first impression was: W.T.f. .... All the children screaming at the cinema: Kissss ittt!!! Kissss it!!! as the head is found in the cold...

The book is about one Romanian myth: "mitul mioritic" about the values and beliefs connected to the transhumance. The everlasting belief of human reintegrating into the universal cycle of life and bestowing the sense of belonging on the next generations. It is indeed about a crime investigation. However this is the surface. The message is profound when we look into Romanian mythology. This is one of the reasons for the book is classic and studied in school. After reading the poem Miorița, the


Contrary to popular belief (e.g. everyone in my class), I don't actually hate everything our teacher assigns us to read just because it was assigned to us and that makes me obligated to read it rather than choosing it on my own. Take this book for example, it's not exactly one of my favorite books of all time but I have to admit I didn't hate it, I actually enjoyed it until a certain point, ergo the 3 star rating.

Read it for the second time now and it was better than the first time, however, I'd like not to be forced to read it again.

A good mystery novel, obviously better the first time you read it but only because you know what's going on after that point, even if you forget or miss some details; still an enjoyable read even the second time and a welcomed genre change in Romanian literature.

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